How Internet Works

The History Behind Digital Web

From dial-up days to instant gratification, the internet has redefined communication, reshaped communities, and democratized information. It's a living tapestry woven with laughter, knowledge, and even a few cat videos, forever altering how we interact, learn, and shape our collective future.

Cold War And Arpanet

Untold Story of Cold War And Arpanet

The World Wide Web (WWW) emerges as a transformative force, rewriting the narrative of how we access and exchange information. Developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, the WWW's inception marked a pivotal moment in the internet's history.

The World Wide Web

World Wide Web And Transformation of Internet

Imagine a world where knowledge flows freely, opportunities bloom online, and connection transcends physical borders. Yet, for millions, this digital utopia remains a mirage, obscured by the harsh reality of the digital divide.

The History Of Internet

Did you know the internet has a remarkable history? Its journey began with the inception of ARPANET, a project initiated by the United States Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). From the standardization of TCP/IP in the 1970s to Tim Berners-Lee’s creation of the World Wide Web in 1989, the internet has evolved into a global and interconnected network.

Cold War And The Arpanet

Did you know the internet started as a humble Cold War project?

It is accurate to say that the initiative that eventually became the internet had its origins in the Cold War. The United States Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), presently known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), made a substantial contribution to the early internet’s development.

We Are Connected

Internet has changed the way how the entire world now communicates.

Embark on a journey through the Cold War-era roots of the internet with ARPANET, shaping a global network. From the 1970s’ standardization of TCP/IP to Tim Berners-Lee’s 1989 introduction of the World Wide Web, witness the transformative evolution of an interconnected digital landscape. Click “Learn More” to delve into the profound impact and ongoing transformation of our digital world.

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What Is Our Aim?

Create a space for discussion, debate, and sharing around themes like the internet’s impact on society, ethical considerations of technology, or sci-fi’s role in shaping our expectations.

Equip users with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the online world safely and effectively. 

Bridge The Digital Divide

Highlight the inequalities in access and usage, and inspire action to close the digital gap.

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We’re passionate about the exciting world of the internet and its impact on society. If anything sparks your curiosity, fuels your imagination, or sparks a debate, we’d love to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to shoot us a message, we’re always happy to engage in conversation.

How Internet Works is a project that is looking to raise awareness about the digital landscape, and to improve digital literacy of the viewers and also to highlight the gaps in digital divide.

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